My new home.

You might be expecting to see pictures of me in front of a historical Old South mansion, at the beach on Tybee Island, or eating dinner with Paula Deen. No, that was not this trip to Savannah. But, my parents did take me to lots of empty houses, where I was allowed to run freely, open cabinets & drawers, and press my face against windows. I actually had a pretty good time.

We also had hotel dance parties, and I got to have my morning milk in bed while watching cartoons. That's what vacation is all about, right? I'll have to refine my ettiquette a bit if I am going to become a Southern belle.

My parents are getting me a nice house, too! I am going to have a big room, with a nice window that I can reach by myself, and a long flight of stairs to play on. I'm looking forward to it.

In other news, I am 15 months old. Here are my new stats:

* Weight: 22 pounds + 4 ounces. (42%)

* Heights: 31.5 inches. (82%)

* Noggin: 47 centimeters. (80%)

* Teeth: 7 in front, plus 4 molars cutting through! They're all coming at once, and it's making me a little grumpy.

* Travels: 6 states now. Pretty good for a youngster, and I was a model traveler.

More news soon... Aunt G is coming, so there is sure to be vast amounts of new photos next week!

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