The Big One

by Allison

It's official!  I'm not a little baby anymore.  I'm a one-year old!  Let's start with the official stats:

-I weigh 21 pounds & 7 ounces (52% for kids my age).

-I am 31 inches tall (93% for kids my age).
I'm not a petite little thing.  I wear size 18 month clothes already.

-I have 5 teeth, but you can only see 4 of them when I smile.  I'm working on several more.

-I point at things that I am interested in, but don't really say any clear words yet.  Why do I need to talk, when I can just point & grunt?

-I feed myself most of my meals, except for things like yogurt or applesauce that require a spoon.  In fact, I prefer to feed myself with a fork.

-The list of foods that I don't like is very short (bananas & mini rice cakes).  My favorite foods are raviolis with tomato sauce, Dad's scrambled eggs, hot dogs, and black beans, but I'll eat most anything.

-I hardly ever crawl anymore, and I try to "go fast" (run) with Gracie.

I celebrated my 1st birthday three times: once with my parents and Gracie since my dad would not be here on the actual day, once with my mom, Gracie, Nana, & Bop, and once with my baby friends and their moms.  And I had cake each time!  Pretty good deal.

I received some nice birthday gifts, and the best one was having my Ford grandparents here to celebrate with me.  Gracie and I had a really nice week with them.  Nana is an expert in the play kitchen, and Bop quickly learned my favorite activity of jumping about, being swung around, and/or upside down.
My other hobbies are swinging and playing at the playground, cooking in the pretend kitchen, and taking care of baby dolls, especially pushing them in the stroller.  I love bubbles.  I'm a very good climber, I do a little dancing sometimes, and I like to pass the ball.  I love to put things on my head and play peek-a-boo with my blanket.  I'm always watching Gracie, whose antics make me laugh hysterically, and whose singing almost always makes me stop crying.  I love my pacifier (good luck getting rid of that, Mom!), and I sleep like a champ.
I've got big plans for the coming year, but they are hard to communicate by pointing and grunting, so you'll just have to wait and see!  Keep an eye on our photo collection for a daily update!