On the road again... We'll have tons to tell you next week!

Swimming & Rolling

 by Allison

I took a refreshing dip in the pool yesterday evening.  My sister assured me that I would really love "simming," and she was absolutely correct.  I had watched Gracie and my dad swim when I was very little, and I am so glad that I am now big enough to participate.  I didn't mind the cool water at all, and floating with the family was a perfect way to spend a warm evening.

I am also very satisfied with my first experience with rolling.  The day before yesterday, I flipped right over from my back to my tummy.  I enjoyed it so much that I've been practicing this move every chance that I get.  Don't I look pretty pleased with myself?
Being a baby means more firsts everyday!  I'm loving it!


Who needs adult supervision?  Let's shop, sister.


by Gracie

I'm finding plenty to keep me busy this Summer.  Recently, I've found new playgrounds, tried Japanese food, picked blueberries, splashed in fountains (including my first scraped knees), eaten a lot of frozen yogurt, and petted these cows and the cows' babies, which are puppies.  OK, so my mother insists that the cows are called goats, and that the puppies were baby goats.  In any case, I had no fear, and a lot of fun.

The only problem is that it is miserably hot here in Georgia, so it's nice to find things to do around the air conditioned house.  When I don't have a friend to play with, I can always engage Mom in a book-reading marathon, work on puzzles, and play with my "baby sissy."  I can also try on all my parents' shoes.  Or, I can cook-up some dinosaurs in my new kitchen.
Toddler art classes start tomorrow, and the Daddy will be home soon!  This should be a good week!

4 Month Stats

by Allison

I am 24 3/4 inches long (70%),
and I weigh 14 pounds + 8 ounces (75%),
and I am extraordinarily unhappy about getting shots in my beautifully chubby little legs.

I have slowed my grow just a bit, but am still well-above average in size, and perfectly healthy.  I've got great head control, eye contact, and I smile, laugh, and squeal just as a 4 month old baby should.  I still sleep through the night, and am thrilled by eating cereal.  All is well, except for those surprise needles to my chubs.

Happy 4th!

by Allison

Who knew that everyone in the neighborhood would shoot fireworks in celebration of me turning 4 months old?  I didn't know I was such a big deal.  Yes, 1/3 of a year now.  No new stats until I check-in with the doc later this week, but there's no doubt I've grown.

I've been working on getting good control of my hands, and am making great progress.  If I can grab a hold of something, I can usually get it into my mouth, which pleases me.  Other than that, I've just been taking things in.  I love to watch Gracie, and she has been teaching me the names of all of her toys.  I don't enjoy naps quite as much as I used to, but I'm still pretty easygoing.  I love to laugh and talk a lot. 

I had my first servings of food today.  MMmmmmm... runny rice cereal.  I loved it and look forward to some more, as well as really enjoyed sitting in the high chair at the table where I could look eye-to-eye with my mom and Gracie.

Stats coming soon!

Super Secret Gracienese Decoder

nok = pig OR pink
gekee = monkey OR cookie
fwaff = giraffe
fwy = five OR fly
yap = nap
mouf = mouth OR mouse
yi yi = night night
see-el = cereal
ug = hug OR bug
guck = duck
dumpy = jump
fwunt = elephant
beet = rabBIT OR frog (ribBIT)