The Gracie Show

I seem to have a natural talent for entertaining whoever is around me. People are always laughing, clapping, and smiling whenever I perform one of my tricks. I've been working on some new acts.

Storytelling is one of my best performances. I hop up in my chair by myself, crack open one of my favorite books, and tell the story with my own special flare and commentary. My parents seem to especially love this one.

Walking without seeing where I am going is a skill that I haven't quite perfected yet, but amuses me quite a bit. The problem is that I occasionally trip or run into things and hurt myself. But most of the time, it's good fun! I know Aunt G really liked this part of the show.

Anything can go on your head. I'm still testing out which things are funny on my head. My mother does not seem so entertained when I put macaroni and cheese or mushy carrots on my head. This diaper made a very fashionable hat, as do many of my toys.

Last, I've been developing some acrobatic climbing talents. I can see a lot of potential for this act. I think this is just the beginning...

Is there a variety show in my future??

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