The Return of the Daddy

I've been having so much fun with my Dad that I haven't taken the time to give you all the big update! My Dad came home from Afghanistan on Friday. My mom and I waited and waited and waited. I tried to entertain the masses while we waited for all of the Daddy's to arrive, but it was a huge crowd, and they couldn't hear my jokes.

Finally, lots of music and cheering and applause, and all the Daddy's appeared!

It was really exciting, but I still wasn't sure about him at first. I watched him really closely that first day. I studied everything he did. I came to the conclusion that, yep, he's my Dad! Now I follow him everywhere he goes and play with him every chance I get.
One of the first things he did was to get me my very own car. We've been driving it to the playground, where we swing and slide. He's taught me to blow kisses and ride my ladybug too. Got to go play with Dad now! More soon!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Soooo cute! She looks like a happy girl! Welcome home Jay!

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