Adventures in Maple Syrup Land

Life just gets better and better. I had the time of my life in St. Albans, Vermont, aka the Maple Capital of the World. I may have so much to tell you that it will take me a couple entries to share all the fun that I had there.

In addition to seeing Gram and Uncle Steve again, I finally got to meet cousins, aunts, uncles, and various other family members who I had been waiting a very long time to meet. Cousins are the coolest, and I've got a bunch of them. I love them all, but I had the most fun with the ones that aren't full-grown yet. I really, really wanted to keep up with "the big kids."
I saw them digging in the sand and swinging really high, and running and jumping around, and I wanted to do it all! They did a really great job of including me in the big kid activities, especially Riley. She made sure the boys didn't get too wild with me. Jarrett, Shawn, and Eric were tons of fun. I played a game with them that made me laugh so hard! I'll have to show you all soon.

I got to spend a lot of time outdoors, and my mother was right... it's much more fun to play outside when I don't eat things that I find on the ground. (I only tasted a couple of things). We had cook-outs and I got to swing and bounce on the trampoline. I went swimming in an outdoor pool, and went to a fabulous playground right by Lake Champlain.The playground was super fun, because all the big kids played with me. I went down the slide, played in the blue rubber mulch, and did lots of swinging. It was wicked awesome. (They say "wicked" in Vermont. It makes my mother giggle). We had more cook-outs, and I got to meet more cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, 2nd cousins, friends... it was really wonderful.

We went to New York to go shopping! So, that's one more state I've visited in my young life! The weirdest part was that we drove our car onto a boat and went across the lake to get back home. We did not see Champ the lake monster. Maybe next time.

My dad was a little obsessed with "Cree-mees." I think my parents each had at least one per day for every day that we were there. I tried one, and I did not care for it. My parents say they are going to open a Cree-mee stand in Georgia, and become zillionaires.

It's past my bedtime. Check back soon for footage of my hilarious cup game with my cousins!

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