5 months, 10 states, & tons of family

by Allison

I turned 5 months old yesterday, and am learning new things everyday.  I've become quite good at picking up toys, and whatever else I can reach, and I enjoy putting these things in my mouth for a taste.  If I can't grab anything, I'll just stick my hand in my mouth.  I love eating.  I haven't found anything that I don't like yet, but I haven't had peas yet, and Gracie has warned me about peas.  I'm rolling back to front, and needing less support to sit up.  I'm generally a gleeful girl, and I speak in a sort of happy growl that makes my parents laugh.  Stats coming next month.

Much more importantly, I am now an interstate traveler.  We drove and drove (GA, SC, NC, VA) and drove (DE, MD), and then stopped for 1/2 a day at Sesame Place (PA...more about that later), and drove (NJ, NY, VT) and drove some more, and finally arrived in the beautiful state of Vermont where I got to meet half my roots, and see a lot of neat places.
I found that the best place to hang-out was with Gram.  I especially enjoyed an outdoor nap on the porch swing with the fan blowing on us.  We certainly couldn't have enjoyed this in the miserable Georgia heat!  Vermont was just right.  I went to my first cook-outs, where I got to meet all kinds of aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends.  I had my eye on all that good food, but all they offered me was baby food.  I enjoyed lots of outdoor time, lots of sitting with new people, and even had my first evening without my parents!  I got to hang-out with my grown-up cousin while our parents went out to dinner.
Here I am with a couple of my cousins.  All of them are really nice.

G's first rollercoaster, with Aunt Shari

I also attended my first fair at Franklin County Field Days.  I liked watching the flashing lights and hearing the wild music as the rides whirled around.  I am told that there were also lots of animals (cows!) that my sister really enjoyed, but I slept through that part.  I thought I smelled something!
I loved my time in Vermont.  Naturally, Gracie wants to have her own say about it, so there will be more about our trip coming very soon!

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