Under the weather

Taking my temperature all by myself.
Snoozing in my parents' bed.
Well, the past week didn't go as planned.  I've been fighting the battle of the boogers with a nasty little respiratory infection.  But the good news is that I've gotten tons of extra snuggles, my mom has let me watch extra Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba, and I've gotten to eat mostly whatever I want, which hasn't been much.  I've taken advantage of the opportunity to take some extra long naps, although my mother claims that I could do that anytime.  I'm on the mend now.  No fever today, and I ate a little more than I have been.  I've found the energy to play with de Da, and will hopefully be getting out of the house tomorrow.

Jamming out with de Da.
On a sidenote, my freedom did not last... I got my crib back.  With each naptime or bedtime, I realized more and more just how much fun it was to be able to get out of bed and play.  I was having so much fun, that I wasn't getting enough sleep.  Very late one night after playing for a lonnnng time, de Da gave-in and reassembled my crib.  Don't tell anyone, but I'm secretly glad to have it back.  I'll try the bed again later.

Other than that, before I got sick I enjoyed a day out with other people my age, and a morning with my new babysitter (who I love!)  I've been helping my mom & dad get ready for this baby who is coming to stay with us.  I'm still not sure what that's all about.

Kisses to you all!!  Don't worry--you can't catch my cold over the internet.

Check back soon!  I've got plans  now that I'm feeling better!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I hope you are feeling better, Gracie. I am so impressed that you can take your own temperature! Looking forward to seeing you and your little sister soon!

Love, Aunt Gretchen

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