One, and Half Monster

Trick or treat.
Smell my diaper.
Candy really makes me hyper.

Happy Halloween!  As you can see, I debuted as a furry blue monster last night.  My parents helped my pick this costume because my favorite book is "I See a Monster."  Trick or treating was really fascinating.  I knocked on strangers' doors, they said I was cute, then they gave me some candy and we left.  Am I not cute enough to get candy everyday? 

Last year, my mother kept almost all the candy that I got.  This year, things are going to be different, although it appears that most of my peanut butter cups and snickers have already mysteriously disappeared.  So far, my favorites are sweet tarts.  They make me spin in circles and laugh.   I also love lollipops.  I've got to get my hands on some chocolate today.

My parents carved this lovely cat-o-lantern for me, but I wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with it.  I refused to help scoop guts, carve, or go near it once it was lit.  Maybe next year.

*               *               *
In other news, I am 1 & 1/2 years old.  The growing is slowing: 2'8" tall (78%) and 24 pounds, 12 oz (69%).  That may not be exact, because I did not like my new pediatrician's office, and did not care to participate in these measurements.  I've got 12 teeth.  My curls are growing a little everyday.

My spoken vocabulary:
-show (I want to watch a show)
-guck (drink?  juice?  milk?)
-stop! (usually referring to stop tickling me)

Other words have come and gone, and I have many, many words that my parents haven't figured out yet.  I understand most of what my parents say, although sometimes I pretend not to.  But if they ask me to do something that I want to do, I understand very clearly.

Let me tell you about the basic facts of my life as a 1 & 1/2 year old.  I'm still selective about what I eat.  My favorites are grapes, mac & cheese, mandarin oranges, and ravioli.  I can use a fork, but I quickly lose interest.  Why feed myself when I can multi-task and have my parents feed me while I play?  I still love the water, and no matter how many times my parents tell me not to, I love to stand in the dogs' water dish and turn on the bathtub faucet and throw stuff in the tub.  I like to talk on the phone.  If you have not had a phone conversation with me lately, give me a ring.  I'll answer all your questions.  I have discovered playing in my room--it's not just for sleeping anymore!  As soon as I get one of my parents in my room with me, I run and shut the door so they can't escape.  Then I get out my blocks and my books and some other toys.  I love to read books, and I love to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and dance.  I like to color on paper, as well as walls and sofas.  I am very attached to my blankets and my dogs.  I enjoy my beauty sleep--about 11 hours at night, and 2-3 hours during the day.

Gotta get a nap in before I watch the Patriots game with my Dad.  More updates soon!

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