Big Girl, and Big Sister?

Greetings from GracieLand!  I just wanted to give you a little progress report on my most recent "big girl" activities.  We didn't go on any exciting outings this week, but I've been busy just the same.  One of my favorite things to do lately is brushing.  I like to brush my hair, which is growing, by the way.  I like to brush my dolls and my teddy bear.  I also like to brush my dogs' faces and my parents' hair.  Most importantly, I like to brush my teeth.  I have 12 teeth now, and I want them to stay pearly white. 

In other big girl news, I have been going to sleep by myself for the past couple of weeks. My mother has tried to help me learn this many times in the last 18 months, but I've always given her a really hard time about it. I just loved being cuddled and rocked to sleep. But seeing how I am almost one and a half years old, I have decided I will do it on my own. Really, it's not so bad at all.  I've also decided that I like to take showers.  It's nice because I can dance in the shower, and I can catch water on my tongue.  I've been washing my own hair, too.  Hygiene is important.

I hang out at my new playground several evenings every week. It's right up the street from my house, so I hop in my buggy and have one of my chauffeurs take me every chance that I get. In addition to swinging, I've been expanding my playground fun to climbing and sliding by myself too. I can see some geese and cranes from the park, but I can't get to them.

Well, I guess this is supposed to be the big news of the day:  I am going to have a little sister.  She should be here around the middle of March.  Today, I was supposed have a live videoconference with her, but stuff like this is all they showed me.  It doesn't look much like a little sister to me.  I won't believe it until I see her up-close, and then I'll decide how I feel about sharing my parents and my dogs.  For now, see what you make of this alien-looking creature... 

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Congrats on being a big sister Gracie!

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