A Little Local Flavor

Hello everyone! All is well in Gracieland, Georgia. My updates have become less frequent, so get ready for some extra pictures! I've been keeping myself (and my parents) busy around the house. I am becoming an excellent singer and piano player, a great helper by washing EVERYTHING in the bathtub, and am finding unique hiding places for my toys, including the refrigerator, toilet, and kitchen cabinets. My dad has been teaching me about football, and I have been teaching the dogs about hugs.

More importantly, we finally took some breaks from unpacking boxes and rearranging furniture, and ventured somewhere besides Target and Home Depot. Last week, we went to Oatland Island Wildlife Center. We took a long walk through the marshy forest. Well, my parents walked, and I walked a little but mostly I had my chauffeurs push my stroller. That's the life! I think that my dad was afraid that I would be eaten by one of the animals. We saw cougars, foxes, large birds, and bison. But the most exciting animals that we saw were alligators. My dad is not a fan of alligators, but I liked them.

Yesterday, we had a brief trip to the beach at Tybee Island. Now that was exciting. I started off by trying to catch some seagulls, but no matter how fast I ran, they wouldn't let me near them. Then I noticed the water... the biggest pool I've ever seen! My mom and I put our feet in, but we weren't equipped for swimming. I tried anyways--face first into the ocean. When my mother wouldn't let me play in the water anymore, I noticed sand. Good dirty fun. I can't wait to go back there with my swimsuit and some buckets and shovels! Do they make a seagull-catcher?

Our stop at the beach was a sidetrip on our way to a Pirate Festival. It was arrRR-right. There were a lot of interesting people there, and a little petting zoo. Let me tell you about this picture though. The reason I look so displeased is because right before this photo was taken, my mother tried to give me away. Don't let her tell you any different. She set me down next to these crazy looking pirates, and she walked off. True story.
No big plans for this week, except I've got to convince my parents to take me back to that beach before long! For now, time for a nap. Talk to you soon!

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