It's a G thing.

March had been a pretty calm month. I've been helping my mom around the house a lot. I like to unfold laundry so she can fold it, and I like to take the silverware out of the dishwasher for her. I've been perfecting my standing-up skills, and I crawl like a speeding bullet. And I've been teaching my mother a thing or two about culinary arts. I will eat no more baby food mush, and I will not be fooled! I want to eat what she's got. I've also learned a very useful phrase: "Uh-oh."

March got a lot more exciting when Aunt Gretchen came to town! Uh-oh. Aunt G and I have a lot of fun together. We are two of a kind--very smart, a little mischievous, stylish, and the life of the party. We spent a day in Boulder, shopping and seeing the sites. We saw a street performer contortionist, and I tried to steal the show.

The next day, we had a St. Patrick's Day party, complete with an array of green foods. That was interesting... I stuck with the non-green macaroni and cheese.

We ate out a couple of times, where I got to try lots of new foods, and we went shopping. We also made a trip to Garden of the Gods for some photos.

The best part was having enter- tainment in the backseat with me. Everywhere we went, Aunt G sat in back with me and we talked and played games. I miss her so much!

Mom and I are counting down to my 1st birthday, and anxiously waiting for my Dad to get home in May. Hopefully the next couple of months will speed by!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I had fun with you girls! I'll be back!

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