New Stats

Hello everyone. I'm checking in with my official 9-month old stats:

* I weigh 17 pounds + 14 ounces. This is the 34% for people my age.

* I am 28 inches tall. I grew only about 3/4" in the last 3 months. This is 67%.

* My head is 44.5 cm around. This is 66%. My brain is growing every day.

I don't have much else to report about my trip to Dr. G's office. I got one little shot, and barely cried at all. He told my mom to let me feed myself more, just like I've been telling her. He always takes my side. He said I was doing great.

My mother and I have been doing normal everyday stuff lately. My latest tricks are clapping my hands, clapping my mom's hands for her, and
standing up by myself. I've also been waving at people sometimes. Swimming lessons are going swimming- ly, and I've been trying to keep up with the bigger kids at the gym. The furry puppy girls and I are becoming fast friends, since they have figured out that it is to their advantage to hang out under my high chair. I share my dinner with them.

All is well in GracieLand... more soon!

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