Entertainment Tonight

After Dad's visit, plus Gram and Uncle Steve, and then Christmas in Texas with Grandma, Grandpa, and my aunts & uncles, I was used to having a lot of entertainers at my disposal. My mom and the dogs are fantastic, but I'm a high-maintenance girl, and we had to come up with some new activities to keep me amused:

First, I have begun to hone my art skills. I completed my first master- pieces recently, in the form of homemade, edible fingerpaints. As you can see, I "think outside the box." I painted my head and face, as well as the canvas. It was a lot of fun, until I had to be washed up. I don't believe we'll be doing this again real soon.

Also, today I had my first swimming lesson. My friends Seth and Wynter are in the class with me. I did very well, and was quite talkative. I was trying to tell the other people my age about splashing (which I have already mastered), and about the time that my mother and Aunt Jill put me in that really cold swimming pool. I think everyone liked my stories.

Feeding myself has been another of my big projects. It's been a little stressful. You see, I've decided that I do not want to be spoon fed mush any longer. When my mother tries to put me in the high chair, I scream. Sometimes I'll try to appease her by taking a few bites, but often not. Finally, she figured out that I want to feed myself little pieces of food with my fingers. I don't know what took her so long.

Another of my new activities is unloading and rearranging. I like to take my toys out of my baskets, one by one. Sometimes I tip the basket over. Sometimes I get on my knees and reach into the basket. Either way, it's a lot of fun. After each nap, the toys have magically put themselves back in the baskets, and I do it all again.

My last bit of entertainment news is that I'm working hard on standing up. I've done it several times, but always when my mother least expects it. I was standing up in my crib when she came to get me out of bed this morning. Haha! She hasn't captured a picture of that yet, but will soon.

She did, however, finally get a picture of my teeth. (Thank goodness--she'd been chasing me around with that camera for a week trying to get a picture of them.) They are growing nicely, and I'm working on some more. I might have a mouth full of pearly whites before I grow hair on my head!

On a sidenote, I ate a band-aid today. I bit my finger with those sharp bottom teeth, and bled a lot. My mother put a band-aid on it because I was getting blood everywhere. So, I ate the band-aid. My mother called the doctor's office, and they told her to start a list, #1-10, of things that I eat that I shouldn't have. They guaranteed her it would be complete before age 2. So, you will see it from time to time, but hopefully not again too soon!


1. band-aid (01/25/10)

More soon!

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