Dad is home & so much more!

I have so much to report that I don't know where to start. I enjoyed my first Thanksgiving, my Dad is home from Afghanistan for a couple weeks, and I finally got to meet Gram and Uncle Steve. I have mastered rolling and am quite adept at sitting up. And I have had some early Christmases.

First, Thanksgiving: I went to my mom's friends' house in the forest. It was a lovely drive, and when we got there, I got to talk to a lot of cats, as well as some very nice people. Most importantly, I got to eat homemade mashed potatoes with gravy made by my friend Kermit, and I had my first try of whipped cream. It was delicious and a lot of fun.

A few days later, my Dad FINALLY came home!! I am having so much fun with him. I have never laughed so hard as I did earlier this evening. He makes the most hysterical noises. We are playing a lot of fun things together and I watch every move he makes. He has been helping me with standing up a little bit too, and I've been showing off all of my talents for him. He got me some really nice Christmas presents, one of which he calls "the best fifty bucks ever spent." It really is quite entertaining. But it's twice as entertaining when Dad plays with me. I won't know what to do with myself when he goes back to Afghanistan. It is so wonderful having him home.

This past weekend, Gram Flo and Uncle Steve came to visit. I had been waiting a long time to meet them, and cannot wait to go to Vermont to meet the rest of my aunts, uncles, and cousins there. Gram and I had a really good time. She wears shiny things on her wrist and around her neck, and I enjoyed grabbing at them. Gram and I spent a lot of time together and got along quite well, aside from me puking on our Christmas present to her. Uncle Steve is a very amusing guy too. I loved listening to him tell stories, although I do worry that I could someday become a character in one of these stories of Gibou monsters and children hanging upside down by their ankles and such. Uncle Steve is very good at the game where I drop something on the floor and he picks it up. I love that game. We had another Christmas and I got a new doll, some musical keys, lots of books, and many additions to my wardrobe. Even better than what's in the boxes, I like to eat the wrapping paper. Yum.

Dad and I have a lot more on our agenda in the coming week before he has to go back to work. Soon after that, it will be off to Texas for Christmas #3! More soon!

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