Playing & Counting Down

Things have been pretty routine around here lately, but I have no problem finding ways to entertain myself. One of my favorite activities is to talk to myself and play in the mirror. The baby in the mirror does almost everything that I do, so we get along really well. I've also taken more interest in my many toys. Since I have mastered rolling over and am beginning to scoot a little to get where I want to go, I am able to retrieve the toys that I want most of the time. Sitting up is currently my biggest challenge, but I am getting closer everyday. I can sit up half way, and then prop myself up on my elbow on one side. That's how I spend a lot of my time. If my mom helps me sit up all the way, then I can stay sitting up for a few seconds. Then I fall over, and that upsets me. With more practice, I will get it. It's hard being a baby. After a long day of playing, I still enjoy relaxing with a good book and a warm bath, just like my mom. I've also become an excellent splasher. Maybe I'll be a swimmer, like Aunt G and Uncle James.

We are counting down and getting ready for Dad to get here!! I can hardly wait. I have so much to show him and tell him. I have learned so much in the last 6 months, from rolling (one of the basic moves of jiu-jitsu) to how to eat mushed food. When he left all I did was cry and eat... I didn't sleep much back then. I have changed so much, even though I still don't have much hair or any teeth. I know exactly what I am going to wear when he gets here too. I already know we are going to have a lot of fun together. Gram and Uncle Steve are coming too. SO excited!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I can't believe she is holding that book like that! What a smart girl!

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