Status Update

I turned 6 months old last week, but have been waiting for my "official weigh-in" to give you all my new stats. I saw the pediatrician yesterday, and all is wonderful, aside from the 4 shots that he told the nurse to give me. Here's what's new:

-I weigh 15 pounds, 12.5 ounces. This is the 48% for babies my age. Pretty average.

-I am 27.25 inches long. That's the 94% for babies my age. I'm a long one. Maybe I'll be extra tall, like my basketball hall of fame ancestor, George Mikan.

-My brain is 42.5 cm, 53%. Don't worry, I'm super intelligent.

-I've been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, and so far the only thing that I don't like is sweetpeas. Dr. G said I can start eating big people food, like mashed potatoes, yogurt, and little pieces of bread. I've been telling Mother for months that I can eat that stuff, and she didn't believe me. Wish I could get that Halloween candy back!

-When I'm in a good mood, I can roll back from my tummy to my back, which makes my Mom very happy. When I'm tired or grumpy, I still yell at her to flip me over.

-I sleep great at night, but am really not a fan of naps. I'm afraid I'm going to miss something good.

-I LOVE to stroll. We go for walks once or twice a day, except when it's cold and snowy.

-I'm getting really close to being able to sit up by myself. I work on it every day. I really like to stand up with help.

-My hair is growing a little bit.

-I'm really good with my hands now. I use them to put almost everything in my mouth. I pick things up, knock things over, and bang on things. I pull hair and grab dog ears. I've got a great grip.

The highlight of my month was seeing my Dad live via satellite from Afghanistan. I looked him over really well. I can hardly wait to see him in person at the end of this month. He will be so impressed with the many skills and abilities that I have perfected since he last saw me. I can sure fill a diaper better than I used to. I hope he remembers how to change diapers, because my Mom says she's taking 2 weeks off of diaper-changning while he's home. Plus, I finally get to play with Gram Flo and maybe even another uncle and aunt. Counting down!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I thought she looked tall!

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