How to Avoid Naps

What a week. Mom and I have both been sick since Monday. I survived my first fever, and am feeling much better. Since there have been no exciting events, and not a lot of photo-taking this week, I thought I would share my wisdom on napping with you. I've been perfecting some new techniques this week.

How to Avoid Naps:

1. Cry. This is the simplest technique. I used it a lot when I was younger. I still use it occasionally. If you cry long enough, often it will be time to eat again before you have to give in to the nap.

2. Fake it. Just as Mom gets out of the rocking chair to put you in your crib, pop your eyes open and give her a whimper. She'll sit back down and rock with you again. Repeat as many times as necessary.

3. Fight it. Open your eyes as wide as you possibly can. If your eyes get dry, that's a good thing, as it will help them stick open. Look around at everything. If Mom turns off the lights, find a little glimmer of something to stare at! If your eyes get heavy and you start to drift off, then cry a little to wake yourself back up. I do this one a lot.

4. Smile. I've recently discovered that avoiding a nap goes more smoothly if I make Mom smile. Go ahead and take a little nap, but no more than 15 minutes. Then start making some obvious noise, to let Mom know you are awake. When she tip-toes in with plans to put you back to sleep, don't cry. Give her your biggest smile with wide eyes, and she'll surely let you get up.

Those are the basic methods. A couple of other pointers: if your Mom swaddles you to "help you sleep," although it may feel safe and cozy, wiggle it for all it's worth! And, if your Mom says something to the effect that she needs to get a few things done, then this is not the time to give in to the nap--you might miss something new and interesting, and Mom might need your help. Good luck!

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