After Dad's visit, plus Gram and Uncle Steve, and then Christmas in Texas with Grandma, Grandpa, and my aunts & uncles, I was used to having a lot of entertainers at my disposal. My mom and the dogs are fantastic, but I'm a high-maintenance girl, and we had to come up with some new activities to keep me amused:
First, I have begun to hone my art skills. I completed my first master- pieces recently, in the form of homemade, edible fingerpaints. As you can see, I "think outside the box." I painted my head and face, as well as the canvas. It was a lot of fun, until I had to be washed up. I don't believe we'll be doing this again real soon.
Also, today I had my first swimming lesson. My friends Seth and Wynter are in the class with me. I did very well, and was quite talkative. I was trying to tell the other people my age about splashing (which I have already mastered), and about the time that my mother and Aunt Jill put me in that really cold swimming pool. I think everyone liked my stories.
Feeding myself has been another of my big projects. It's been a little stressful. You see, I've decided that I do not want to be spoon fed mush any longer. When my mother tries to put me in the high chair, I scream. Sometimes I'll try to appease her by taking a few bites, but often not. Finally, she figured out that I want to feed myself little pieces of food with my fingers. I don't know what took her so long.
Another of my new activities is unloading and rearranging. I like to take my toys out of my baskets, one by one. Sometimes I tip the basket over. Sometimes I get on my knees and reach into the basket. Either way, it's a lot of fun. After each nap, the toys have magically put themselves back in the baskets, and I do it all again.
My last bit of entertainment news is that I'm working hard on standing up. I've done it several times, but always when my mother least expects it. I was standing up in my crib when she came to get me out of bed this morning. Haha! She hasn't captured a picture of that yet, but will soon.
She did, however, finally get a picture of my teeth. (Thank goodness--she'd been chasing me around with that camera for a week trying to get a picture of them.) They are growing nicely, and I'm working on some more. I might have a mouth full of pearly whites before I grow hair on my head!
On a sidenote, I ate a band-aid today. I bit my finger with those sharp bottom teeth, and bled a lot. My mother put a band-aid on it because I was getting blood everywhere. So, I ate the band-aid. My mother called the doctor's office, and they told her to start a list, #1-10, of things that I eat that I shouldn't have. They guaranteed her it would be complete before age 2. So, you will see it from time to time, but hopefully not again too soon!
1. band-aid (01/25/10)
More soon!
What's Hot & What's Not for 2010
HOT: "person my age"
NOT: "baby"
HOT: light, wispy curls
NOT: baldness
NOT: Pampers Swaddlers
HOT: swinging at the playground
NOT: swinging in the living room
HOT: mashed potatoes, teething cookies, yogurt melts
NOT: mushed up baby food, especially sweetpeas (are you listening, Mom?)
HOT: crawling
NOT: log-rolling
HOT: Skyping with Dad
NOT: Licking the phone
HOT: "person my age"
NOT: "baby"
HOT: light, wispy curls
NOT: baldness
NOT: Pampers Swaddlers
HOT: swinging at the playground
NOT: swinging in the living room
HOT: mashed potatoes, teething cookies, yogurt melts
NOT: mushed up baby food, especially sweetpeas (are you listening, Mom?)
HOT: crawling
NOT: log-rolling
HOT: Skyping with Dad
NOT: Licking the phone
Christmas in Texas
I have returned from a long journey to the great state of Texas, where I enjoyed yet another fabulous Christmas celebration. Grandma was a cooking fool (delicious mashed potatoes), and Grandpa was excellent entertainment. My aunts and uncles were lots of fun, and I got to spend time with some of my Mom's old friends. But the greatest thing about Grandma & Grandpa's house is their little dogs, Josie and Mikey. They are about my size and they run around so happily. I studied them closely, and have made progress on imitating their movements... I can wiggle and scoot around the house on my tummy, pulling myself with one arm and pushing myself with one leg. I just can't figure out how to get my belly off the ground, or how to shake my tail like the dogs do. By the next time I see them, I hope to be able to keep up with them. Won't they be surprised.
I got so many nice Christmas gifts. I got lots of toys, many of them involving balls... a giant baseball, balls than rattle and chime, and balls that pop into the air. The balls that pop into the air are my favorite because I enjoy watching Mom chase the balls and return them to the popper. Good exercise for her, haha. I got books and drums and blocks too. Plus, I practically got a whole new Spring wardrobe, which will fit me very soon at the rate that I am growing!
I understand that in a few more years, I am to enjoy this Christmas tradition of decorating sugar cookies.
Aunt Jill and Aunt Gretchen allowed me to try a taste of the frosting. Surprisingly, I was not too impressed. However, I have discovered teething biscuits, and I quite like them. I'm enjoying tasting all kinds of new things, but my mother keeps trying to feed me those disgusting peas. How many times do I have to tell her??
Aunt Gretchen and Uncle James are always on the go. During one of their jogs, they discovered a playground with swings for people my age. I made a couple of trips to the playground and I loved swinging, especially with Grandpa. I plan on many more trips to these playgrounds during my trips to Texas. Outstanding fun!
There was so much more to my wonderful Texas vacation. That's just the highlights. More updates soon, I promise.
I got so many nice Christmas gifts. I got lots of toys, many of them involving balls... a giant baseball, balls than rattle and chime, and balls that pop into the air. The balls that pop into the air are my favorite because I enjoy watching Mom chase the balls and return them to the popper. Good exercise for her, haha. I got books and drums and blocks too. Plus, I practically got a whole new Spring wardrobe, which will fit me very soon at the rate that I am growing!
I understand that in a few more years, I am to enjoy this Christmas tradition of decorating sugar cookies.
Aunt Jill and Aunt Gretchen allowed me to try a taste of the frosting. Surprisingly, I was not too impressed. However, I have discovered teething biscuits, and I quite like them. I'm enjoying tasting all kinds of new things, but my mother keeps trying to feed me those disgusting peas. How many times do I have to tell her??
Aunt Gretchen and Uncle James are always on the go. During one of their jogs, they discovered a playground with swings for people my age. I made a couple of trips to the playground and I loved swinging, especially with Grandpa. I plan on many more trips to these playgrounds during my trips to Texas. Outstanding fun!
There was so much more to my wonderful Texas vacation. That's just the highlights. More updates soon, I promise.