7 months

by Allison

Hello ladies and gentlemen.  I'm now 7 months old and life is good!  I start each morning with some good growls, followed by some happy chirps.  After a few morning hygiene tasks, I enjoy a good breakfast of oatmeal and some kind of fruit.  I love to eat.  Then, an outing or some playtime with my sister, and a nap.  I love to sleep.  Then lunchtime, playtime, and naptime.  Then dinner, bubble bath, playtime, and bedtime.  Those are my days in a nutshell.

As far as eating goes, I like just about everything.  Unlike my sister, I don't mess around at mealtime.  As you can see, I'll go ahead a feed myself while I'm waiting on my parents to try to convince Gracie to eat her meal.  Fruit and rice rusks are great, preferably one in each hand.

Playtime is getting to be more fun.  The best playtimes are with my cool big sister.  I've recently taken a liking to the swings.  My mom won't let me swing as high as Gracie does, but I like to swing a little, and I laugh hysterically at Gracie going so high.  Gracie has also been giving me keyboard lessons, and this is currently my favorite activity.  We also enjoy a good game of peek-a-boo, usually when Gracie is supposed to be eating.
I've become quite good at sitting up by myself, although I occasionally fall over.  I am experimenting with log rolling.  My longest log roll so far is about 15 feet!  I'd like to crawl or walk, but I just haven't figured it out yet.  I'm getting close though.  I'm very talkative.  I sleep pretty well at night.  Sometimes I get a little lonely or want a midnight snack, but I go right back to sleep.  I don't have any teeth yet, but my hair is growing nicely, as well as the rest of me... I've been wearing some size 12-month clothes lately!

That's all for now.  Hopefully my editor/mother will be keeping you more informed of the details of our events and developments.  She's been spending all of her time crocheting silly hats for Gracie and me, instead of keeping up with bloggery!

1 comment:

Jill Jones said...

Happy 7-monthday, Allie! Super-cute hat!!!

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